Prioritize Projects and Connections

General Contractors

Access the tools, data and connections needed to identify trends and new bidding opportunities to grow your business across the commercial construction project lifecycle.

General Contractors Icon
Drive Stronger Business Growth

Find, Bid and Win More Projects

Expand your project pipeline with ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Construction Central, the commercial construction platform with an enhanced suite of tools designed to deliver relevant and verified project data.

Identify and win more projects

Explore opportunities across every stage of the construction lifecycle with enhanced forecasts and analytics

Easily access and prioritize critical connections

Surface the most relevant details on your target companies with an upgraded experience that is hyper-personalized to your business goals

Showcase your company

Connect to potential partners and boost visibility to your company, services and qualifications across an expanding network of active construction professionals

projects added or updated daily
firms with direct project details
network of commercial construction professionals
Connect and Grow

Connect with Subcontractors

Evaluate comprehensive information and find qualified subcontractors by classification for projects in your region

Send private invitations to bid to the specialty trades you are most interested in connecting with

Stay organized

Manage your project team, vendors and planning documents with ONETEAM

Build deep, profitable relationships with qualified subcontractors in your target classifications

Track engagement and interest from subcontractors as you get your project bids ready for takeoff

Participate in local event Meet & Greets to expand your network of partners and drive greater business growth

Promote your project details and brand to subcontractors in your target specialties and trades across The Blue Book Network and ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Construction Central

Build Valuable Connections Icon
Make Informed Buying Decisions Icon
Prioritize Valuable Relationships

Establish Profitable Connections

Qualify your business to commercial construction professionals

Showcase your brand, services and qualifications to active buyers by customizing and promoting your company’s unique digital profile with Proview

Get premier positioning to stay in front of the most relevant potential partners at every stage of the project lifecycle

Stay informed of the trends and opportunities in your target markets

Access in-depth analytics tools and receive updates from relevant companies and project leads through BidScope, The Blue Book Network’s project search engine

Leads, Insights & Connections That Fuel Growth

Develop deeper relationships with the people and firms influencing growth in the commercial construction industry with accurate, actionable insights from ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë.

Unlock Sustainable Growth

Leverage Superior Insights

Make data-driven decisions and develop strategic plans with ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Advisory Services, built on ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë’s extensive forecasting, research capabilities and industry expertise.

Prioritize Business Growth

Navigate your markets with actionable insights derived from tailored consultative engagements with ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë’s team of highly specialized industry experts.

Understand Your Markets

Evaluate market performance and projected areas of growth with access to ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë’s advanced forecasts, analytics and research services.

Activate Your Growth Strategies

Target qualified leads and develop high-value content that drives demand and loyalty for your expertise.

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Make Informed Buying Decisions Icon
Assess Your Product Options

Make Informed Buying Decisions

Research building products and services relevant to your next project with Sweets, ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë’s searchable database of commercial construction products.

Evaluate your product options and connect with industry-leading manufacturers to gather critical information for your upcoming bids.

Get Your Business Selected

Communicate directly with interested decision makers through RFIs, RFQs and private invitations to bid

Find and connect with qualified construction professionals to grow your network with the right partners and win more business

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Target the right firms with actionable analytics


Gain competitive intelligence into industry relationships

Target your construction business development efforts for maximum impact

Identify firms that specialize in building types, large vs small projects, new construction vs renovation in the geo areas you are most interested in exploring

Advanced analytics to formulate a Go-To-Market strategy

Capitalize on emerging trends


Develop plans with confidence

Gain critical market insight with data powered by ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë’s proprietary “construction startsâ€

Target market segments and regions for expansion and size market opportunities by building type and geography

Deploy your sales team and business development teams

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Throughout The Project Lifecycle
Connecting Decision Makers

Throughout the Project Lifecycle

¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë delivers the leads, insights and connections that fuel business growth in the commercial construction industry.