
Find Projects in Your Target Markets

Identify the right type of projects for your business, and easily find and send invitations to bid.

Connect With Active Buyers
Build a Stronger Lead Pipeline for Work

Target Project Opportunities

The Blue Book Network’s proprietary project search engine is designed to help you find your next big win. Maintain a profitable pipeline with access to relevant public and private projects and the decision makers driving them forward with BidScope.

Empowering Subcontractors to:

Plan for Growth

Search for private and public projects in your service areas, verified and maintained by ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë

Access up-to-date, detailed plans, specs and contact information for every project

Stay informed of the trends and opportunities in your target markets

Communicate with active buyers

2 million invitations to bid and project notifications sent weekly

Receive private invitations to bid directly to your inbox

Influence product and service specifications by communicating directly with influencers through RFIs and RFQs

Leverage up-to-date information on potential partners

Monitor ProView updates from your competitors and target companies

Identify contact information for the decision makers associated with your projects

Stay informed of projects that are relevant to your skills and services

BidScope offers accurate details on relevant projects, people and firms so that you can make the connections to get the work you want.